
Something about knitting and sewing and baking and stuff.

10 Responses to About

  1. Emma says:


    I have been following your blog for the last few months and I am extremely impressed with your creative and craft-y posts. I am pleased to offer you Become Inc.’s stylish blog award! If you feel this would be something you might be interested in please let me know and I will happily answer any questions or queries you might have.

    We have a home décor blog, Be@Home, that covers the latest trends in making a house (or apartment) a home, as well as blogs about active and healthy living, green and sustainable life choices, and many other topics. You should check it out — we currently average around 1.5 to 2k unique visitors per day at our shopping blog homepage with users clicking through to an average of 500 single posts. Do let me know if you’d like to be featured in our next Best of the Web post.

    Be@Home: http://pocketchange.become.com/category/home-and-garden

    Emma Trotter

  2. Please add a link to my website http://www.todaysmenus.com and I will add one to yours.


  3. Shelly Barnett(formerly Shultz) says:

    MARIKO!!! I remember you from Portland when I worked at Dazzle/Sunbow and Twist and then I had Bibelot Gallery way back when in the late 80’s early 90’s. Found your website in the Crafter’s Companion book. Awesome! contact me… if you remember who I am???

  4. Thea says:

    Just wanted to say I love your site’s name. Just found your “dish soap apron” template – thanks! I look forward to checking your site for great ideas often.


  5. Felix Ruber says:

    Hiya! I’m writing to see if you’d be willing to trade some Sonny Angel figures. I am interested in your Hallowe’en angels. I have many to trade, so I hope we can make a deal. Many thanks. ‘)

  6. Ryan says:

    Hi! My name is Ryan and I’m the editor of howtocookfantasticfood.com. I think you have an awesome food site so I posted a link to it in our blog directory. I wasn’t able to find your email address on your site but I’d like to invite you to be a part of our Featured Website program. I would love to send you more details about the program, so if you are interested, please email me at ryan [at] howtocookfantasticfood [dot] com.

  7. rkwpnw says:

    you referenced a 1970s Sunset Magazine ginger bread recipe in another post. Do you happen to have this recipe. I would love to have it!

  8. Amanda says:

    Did you ever find or recreate the Rocket Bakery Cookie? I have been searching for a few years myself. How do they get them so thick and chewy!? I want to make snowflake shaped cookies with that dough.

  9. Amy Polcyn says:

    Do you have any info to share about your liberty shirt. I love it and would like to make a few for myself.

  10. Mia says:

    Hi! I know I’m years late from when you originally posted your entry on your dish soap apron pattern but would it be possible that you could re-post the pattern? The link is no longer working for it but it’s oh so cute, I just love it.

    If you could please consider posting it or if you could please e-mail me the pattern (byrnefamily@mail.com), I would be most grateful. Thank you! I love your blog 🙂

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