multiplying swim bags

My friend Tom commissioned me to make a couple of swim bags for him, and here’s what I made:
swim bags 1.JPG swim bags 2.JPG
I think he is going to take the two solid-colored ones, so I might put the strawberry one up for sale if anyone is interested. They are about 16″ long and 8″ tall, and I’m thinking $25? Is that too much? I am really terrible about pricing things and asking for money. People should take advantage of me, because I am a sucker.
Oh, thanks for all your kind words about the wrappy top. Before I read all your nice comments, I was blog surfing, and I saw that Becky just finished a mohair wrappy top! Hers is stunning, of course, so I was actually rather embarrassed about mine, but then I read your comments and decided that hey, we all have different styles and levels of competency, and it’s all copasetic!

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21 Responses to multiplying swim bags

  1. tammy says:

    That strawberry bag is so cute that makes me want to join the Y just so I could go swimming somewhere.

  2. Gabrielle says:

    that is a totally reasonable price for a custom, one of a kind bag like that!

  3. jennifer says:

    i am soooo tempted to buy the strawberry bag – you did a great job on it and my swim team is the Strawberry Canyon Aquatic Masters. how cute would that be? but i think my husband might kill me. pity.

  4. Jan says:

    A rule of thumb that was often suggested for people selling handmade items that were fairly straightforward (no *artistic* interpretations) was 3 x the cost of materials, at least as a starting point.

  5. freecia says:

    So cute! I love the display method. Very inventive! I guess this is where a few of the zips and webbing went 🙂
    $25 is a good price as long as it covers your material costs and efforts. I’m sure a reader will snap it up. Actually, I think someone would pay up to $40 for a cute swim bag. Maybe add a little matching wristlet for keys & id. That’s my opinion.

  6. Copacetic.
    Some editor you turned out to be. 🙂

  7. Cathy says:

    WOw!!! Awesome job on the bags!!!
    I don’t make anything, cuz I’m not as crafty as some of y’all, so I wouldn’t know how to price anything!!!
    But its cute!!!

  8. Silvia says:

    Those bags are great! $25 seems a bit low, but I don’t know the cost of materials or how long it took you to make them.

  9. duff says:

    i agree — $25 is too low. does that even cover the handles, zipper & fabric? i would say $35. you’re so fucking creative. i don’t know where you get the goddamn energy. but if you could package it up and send it over, that’d be great. i’ll send you some of my alone time and you send me some of your energy.

  10. Dennis says:

    You should check out my cousin’s web site:
    He makes these funky wallets and sells them for $25 each.

  11. claudia says:

    Strawberry Bag is amazingly lovely.

  12. stinkerbell says:

    ummm I am up for taking advantage of you… erm that doesn’t sound right…
    anyways that bag would match my strawberries swim suit so you might just have a taker 🙂 That or a request for another one!
    Wouldn’t I look all posh and chic carrying it on my way to work in the M

  13. erika says:

    wow that is cheap for the swim bags, when you think about it. Timbuk 2 bags are a whole lotta more money than that! they look great tho!

  14. Ali says:

    Mariko – I would pay $35 for the strawberry bag! I imagine it’s already taken, but are you open to another commission? I’m close too, in SLO 🙂
    I am so impressed with all the great stuff you make!

  15. suzanne says:

    Great bags but bad price. These bags are so cute and original and worth way more than $25.
    Have you factored in the cost of materials and your time? What about the price of other swim bags? Please note, I didn’t say similar bags because I don’t think that there are any out there.
    Take pride in your work and charge a price thats fair to you–not only to the customer. Great bags….Many of us would buy them for more than $25!

  16. Knit Chick says:

    Wonderful job on the swim bags (up the price, though).
    I like your wrap. It’s different that Becky’s, but just as nice!

  17. mindy says:

    Sounds like you might have to open an online store – and soon! I LOVE these bags, and definitely think your crafty style alone is worth more than $25.

  18. Leslie says:

    Oh Honey,
    $40 at least! Way, way, way cool.

  19. Rebecca says:

    A friend told me that you should multiply the cost of the supplies by 2 (or was it 3?) and then add some money for your time spent making the item. I think those swim bags should go for at least $45. They’re so cool.

  20. BeckyL says:

    Yes, I too think you are insane to charge so little for these great bags. However, I have to also comment on the great broom you used to show off the bags — I have one just like it! I love my sweep dreams!!

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