I have been sewing a bit more lately, but I have been too lazy to take photos. That might change. Might. Anyway, I did whip up this dress from the latest Machiko Kayaki book! The book is called, roughly translated, One Pieces are Number One! The ISBN is 978-4-579-11484-9. I ordered mine online from Kinokuniya, and I would provide a link, but the site isn’t working for me right now.

This is dress “c” and I made it with a gauze fabric I got from etsy seller fabricmade. It was pretty straightforward to make, and I think I will get some use out of it on the hot summer days, but it DID come out on the big side, and I made the smallest size. You can see the top of my bra (not in the photo because I strategically shifted the dress), and there is a lot of extra fabric (I kind of bunched it up in the back in the photo). Peter’s initial comment was that it looked like a maternity dress, and then he called it plus size. I think these loose-fitting garments are not particularly flattering on me, but I keep making them. One reason is because I have poor spatial skills and am blissfully unaware that what I am making is tent-size, and the other is because I am generally attracted to these types of garments, and they do look good on some people.
I ordered some seersucker to make another dress out of the book. That one also has a gathered skirt, so it will also most likely end up plus size, but hey, at least it will be comfortable!