I heart Molly

Even though Molly has been chasing all over Japan AND trying to get ready for her trip to the US, she found the time to send me a package of yummy Japanese treats:

japan candy from molly.JPG
Cherry and mango Hi-Chews, melon- and yogurt-flavored KitKats, some dried cuttlefish with a little packet of mayo, etc. Merci beaucoup, Molly!

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11 Responses to I heart Molly

  1. Nadia says:

    I have to say that Ika Roketto stuff looks like a car air freshner that smells like corn on the cob rather than something one would actually eat.
    PS. Does Japanese mayonnaise really have the power to fuel rockets as well as make food taste delicious? If so, that’s beyond amazing.

  2. Alexa says:

    Haha, I think arigato gozaimasu would be more appropriate.

  3. marichan says:

    I love dried cuttlefish! One of my favorites. I like to buy it for camping trips and gross people out. But I’ve never had it with mayonnaise.
    I don’t know if I’ve ever posted on your blog before, but I love it! You are so crafty and talented!

  4. amineko says:

    hichews, yum! i heart molly, too.

  5. patti says:

    OK, I clicked on your brother’s head and I can’t believe you are 40! I thought you were turning 30! You look great and definitely not 40- not that I think that is old. I am almost there too!
    I hope it was a wonderful one!

  6. tracy says:

    Gosh, I LOVE Hi-chews! They’re not really cheap around here ($1.29+). When I was in Taiwan earlier this year, we found them at any 7-eleven store and they were only .30US!!! Brought home a ton (which are now sadly eaten.) Have you tried the Lychee flavor? -t

  7. Jan says:

    Molly is definitely assuming some Japanese influence. She arrived home with a suitcase full of gifts…some of the delicacies I see in your photo included. Woohoo!

  8. cin says:

    I want to try those KitKats…NOW!

  9. abby says:

    I am concerned about these kitkats…are they so good I”d crave them always, or do they scare me? I can’t decide. Anyway-a very happy belated birthday!

  10. molly says:

    Yay! I’m glad you got it and liked it. Good luck with the big move!

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