bachelorette style

I’m afraid I don’t have much blog fodder these days. It’s just work and thinking about packing (which means I haven’t really gotten much packing done. Oops). I did go grocery shopping today, and I got something I haven’t eaten since college:


This is what happens when I have to cook just for myself. I was totally busted in the frozen food aisle by a guy in my book group, but hey, he was buying Healthy Choice frozen meals, so he’s not much better off than I am!
And I’m sure most of you know about this already, but you can help those affected by Hurricane Katrina by making a purchase at the Crafters United shop on Etsy. Proceeds will be donated to the Red Cross.

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6 Responses to bachelorette style

  1. Jan says:

    I don’t think I’ve had that since college, either. But it’s looking good to me tonight on your blog!
    Good luck with that packing. (Or at least, good luck thinking about it!)

  2. amineko says:

    yay, camera phone!

  3. carolyn says:

    there ain’t nothin’ wrong with mac’n’cheese, girlfriend.

  4. gleek says:

    mmmm, frozen mac & cheese. a personal fave.
    love the crocheted cat, by the way. soooooo cute! i also have a japanese book on making cute crocheted stuffed animals but i have yet to either have the time or the materials to make one 🙂

  5. c says:

    Hahaha, I just had some KFC mac n cheese last night, and I was feeling totally guilty about it. I kept saying “mmmmmmm, FAT.”

  6. renee says:

    i love these little critters.. they are so cute!
    your blog is super i know i’ll be checking back often so i linked you on mine.. you rock!

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