wee knitting

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Recently Major Knitter Jennifer sent me a lovely package full of goodies, including Trader Joe’s dark chocolate caramels (seriously addictive), an eggplant rubber stamp, and these cute cards. The cards are Charity Knit Notes, and each one is crafted by hand. Part of the proceeds goes to, can you guess? Charity! To get more information please visit Jennifer’s blog or e-mail her at majorknitter(at)yahoo(dot)com.

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4 Responses to wee knitting

  1. Nicole says:

    Ooooh. Chocolate caramels at TJs that are addictive?? I will have to try them along with my addictive bbq potato chips from TJs. Doesn’t that sound like a good meal?
    Cute cards… I am going to have to check them out!

  2. Oiyi says:

    Those cards are awesome!!!

  3. Seanna Lea says:

    Those cards are pretty cute!

  4. julia says:

    these cards are great! i might have to get some for my mom and all her knitter friends. what a great idea. thanks for sharing mariko!

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