matcha jackpot

matcha stefana.JPG
Thank you, Stefana, and yes, I am pacing myself.

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11 Responses to matcha jackpot

  1. megan says:

    i had corn fritters with matcha salt tonight…you’d have loved ’em.

  2. Jan says:

    And where has Stefana been for the past year? Please tell her I’m thinking about her. I don’t have her email.

  3. Oiyi says:

    I am so jealous. That looks like matcha heaven!

  4. oooooh. you are so lucky!!!! (*.*)

  5. gleek says:

    wow! lucky you! i just wrote to stefana the other day. hope she’s doing well 🙂

  6. Amanda says:

    Whoah, look at the pretty green goodies. What is that on the left side that looks like a chocolate bar? Are we going to get reviews of the yumminess?

  7. Sharlene says:

    Oh my goodness, is that matcha infused chocolate I see before me? Can you tell me who makes it? I’ve gotta get me some of that! I just ordered more matcha power for my afternoon drink. So addicting!

  8. Lydia says:

    Yikes! You’re just caffeine-powered now!

  9. stef says:

    I had almost forgotten how green everything was! And I see I have got friends worrying about me – sorry for being so quiet, and I have just e-mailed you!

  10. sara says:

    Forgot to ask you before but have you tried the matcha yogurt at Trader Joe’s? It is YUMMY!

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