vested interest

I was ready to give up on myself and knitting, but then I decided I just needed an attainable goal. So, in came the vest (woohoo! No sleeves! And I DO love vests) and chunky yarn (fat needles=quick knittin’).

cork vest.JPG
I used my knitting software (I have Knitware, which I bought several years ago) and leftover Rowan Cork. I didn’t think I’d have enough of the green to do a solid-colored vest, so I added some random stripes. At first I thought it was looking too, I don’t know, 70s, but I like the way it turned out, and it keeps my core warm. I can’t say this project has jumpstarted my knitting again, but I suppose I can always keep knitting chunky vests!

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25 Responses to vested interest

  1. Tara says:

    VERY cute! I love that shade of green. When it gets a little warmer it’ll be cute with a white t-shirt under it.

  2. gaile says:

    ooo super cute vest! I love the colours!!

  3. carolyn says:

    I fucking love it, DH.

  4. sally says:

    Cute vest! I miss Mr. Tim Gunn’s [aka Peter] response to your handmade creations. =)

  5. Daphne says:

    CUTE! Maybe cutest Rowan Cork project ever, even.

  6. Lydia says:

    Fun look; I like it. Nice work!

  7. Totally cute! Good job 🙂

  8. Kim Unertl says:

    That’s really cute!

  9. Sil says:

    Very cute! And quite springy, rather appropiate right.

  10. Susan says:

    The vest looks great, congratulations! I love Cork! I made a sweater with it before but I think I knitted it too loose.
    and speaking of biscuits, today my friend told me that his mom goes crazy for April Fool’s Day, and one year when he and his siblings were kids, she put cotton balls in the biscuits. Cotton balls!

  11. Susan says:

    WHOA! I just figured out what the uniqlock is!!!!!! Is Uniqlo coming to Portland? I’m going on Saturday in HK! I love Uniqlo so much… Some stuff is boring, but some stuff is great! I’ve gotten some of my favorite basics there, and I love the designer capsules.

  12. Seanna Lea says:

    I love it. It’s very cute on you. I need to make more basic items for my wardrobe. I keep trying for these sweaters that look much better blocking than they do on.

  13. carol says:

    cute! love the stripes and color combo.

  14. Captain says:

    Ooh, what fun! It’s very springtime-y.

  15. It turned out great. Very cute!!

  16. It turned out great. Very cute!!

  17. Melissa says:

    Good color combo!

  18. molly! says:

    super cute. i love vests, too!

  19. Tizzy says:

    I love the orange! It never would have occured to me to add an orange stripe, but it is just perfect.

  20. Alice says:

    That red stripe at the waist is hot. Nice design.

  21. shel says:

    going crazy! i read on angry chicken on how she went out with an eggplant and a black apple and it popped into my dream. In the dream you were preggers.
    I officially need to get out more, love the blog, candy reviews are awesome. peace

  22. Nicole says:

    Good for you! Next up, try hats. They’re very easily attainable.

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