iced tea

So it’s finally starting to get warm again, so I made a batch of iced tea using Peet’s Summer House Iced Tea bags. It is so delicious, and I am really not much of an iced tea person! I usually make mugicha, a Japanese barley tea that is delicious cold.

On another note, I went searching for a button for my SitCom Chic sweater yesterday. I bought a button, but it’s not that outstanding. Since SCC uses only ONE button, that button has to be a standout. I ordered one online from MJ Trim. With the $5.95 shipping, the button ended up costing more than $10. Gulp. I hope it’s beautiful.

I threw away the rest of the Jell-O Crown Jewel Dessert because it started getting watery and scary. It went down the garbage disposal and looked like something Toucan Sam would vomit. It was tasty, though (not while it was in the sink, but you know, before).

Here’s a random photo of Dede drinking from a bucket. She likes to rough it!

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2 Responses to iced tea

  1. > So it’s finally starting to get warm again, so I made a batch of iced tea using Peet’s Summer House Iced Tea bags.
    And to think that my ided tea is made of Lipton that I buy by bulk at Costco … But, as you know, I’m a cheapskate. I may go through a gallon of iced tea in a couple of days when it’s hot.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Did your Jello Crown Jewel contain any dairy products? If so,pineapples, which contain pappain, may have denatured the proteins in your jello jewel and produce a watery product.

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