a pleasant day at the coast

The Hedster & I went for a nice long run in Cambria. Afterwards we had a humongous sandwich and coffee before heading to the Ball & Skein & More. I bought two sets of circular needles (including my very first set of Addi Turbos) so I can attempt to knit a pair of socks using the toe-up method on 2 circular needles. I also received a bonus ballpoint pen that has the store name on it. The pen lights up in red when you twist the top! Very cool.
Hedi’s dog Oji is feeling much better after a terrible nose infection.
oji profile.jpg
I came home to 105-degree weather and proceeded to finally stitch up the underarm seams to the SitCom Chic sweater. Now I just have to lightly block it and wait for my button to arrive.

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