would you like s’more?

Campfire? We don’t need no stinkin’ campfire! You can make a perfectly delightful s’more in the privacy and comfort of your own home with the aid of a toaster oven.
– 2 graham cracker squares
– marshmallow (or Fluff, which is what I used. You can also use a Peep)
– chocolate (you can use pieces of a candybar, chocolate chips, or the mint chocolate UFO chips from Trader Joe’s, which is what I used in this instance)
Pre-assembly preparation complete (the foil is highly recommended for ease of transfer):
Ooh, bakin’ in the oven! (Toast on the lightest setting and keep an eye on them. No scorching allowed!)
Now that we have the snacks out of the way, I wanted to thank everyone for helping to track down that Rebecca issue for PJ. Here’s what PJ wrote regarding the overwhelming response: “Thanks to the power of the internet and the generous spirits of many knitters out there, I have just ordered my very own copy of Rebecca #22! I may soon be knitting the ribbed peplum cardigan that I fell in love with and was too lazy to try to design on my own! I must say that I admire each and every one of you who establish and maintain weblogs. I spend too much time each day just reading them, but I have learned a wealth of design tips from them all.” A pat on the back to you all! Rock (and knit) on!!!

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18 Responses to would you like s’more?

  1. Deb says:

    Mmmm – looks yummy. Alas, I have no toaster oven. I guess a toaster wouldn’t cut it, huh? Are you going to use your strawberry fluff for this too?

  2. Sonja says:

    A peep?!? Oh, nooooo! I am shocked, Ms. Eggplant! Hee. Actually sounds quite yummy. Great, now I have a sweet tooth.

  3. sarah b. says:

    Yummm….I’m going to have to go buy supplies for s’mores this weekend! 🙂 Thanks for the idea!

  4. Becky says:

    Oh my word, I’ve just drooled all over my keyboard. Me need s’mores, badly. With a fat slab of dark chocolate and extra Fluff.
    P.S. You just brought back memories of a peccary camping trip I took all over the West U.S. once. I think I ate s’mores every single evening for nearly three months straight. Yuuuuuuuuuuum.

  5. Em says:

    See, here I am thinking, “I have a gas stove, I can just toast marshmellows over that.” Bad idea.
    The Easter candy is up at my neighborhood drug store. Purple bunny Peeps. Thought of you.

  6. Sharlyn says:

    I’ve been meaning to ask you, “The Marshmallow Queen”, how long those things last after you make them. I know they don’t last long in your house, but do they store well?

  7. knittykim says:

    Ah HA. And if you don’t have a toaster oven, put semi sweet chocolate chips on a grahm cracker half, microwave for 15 seconds, check, microwave again. set aside as you do the same with the other graham cracker half and one large marshmallow for 5-10 seconds WHILE WATCHING (the catch on fire!). remove, press halves together, enjoy. Repeat at will…

  8. Libby says:

    Oh…the thought of a peep-filled smore is about enough to send me into a heavenly coma!!!
    And I am so jealous of your Trader Joe’s stuff! I want Trader Joes!!! Sometimes I just go to their website and make out a shopping list of what I would buy if there was one close to me!

  9. Mindy says:

    Alas, years of camping have left me with the taste of one too many ‘blackened’ marshmellows, so now I can only eat them raw – – I actually prefer them a little on the cold side, makes them nice & chewy…

  10. Mindy says:

    Alas, years of camping have left me with the taste of one too many ‘blackened’ marshmellows, so now I can only eat them raw – – I actually prefer them a little on the cold side, makes them nice & chewy…

  11. Eklectika says:

    Ah…well, but have you seen this handy-dandy kit:
    Is this not awesome????? (even though you have to buy your own sterno)????? And it’d work for all those who commented that they don’t have a toaster oven! 🙂
    Ya know, I only found out about this thing a few days ago…must be fate!
    Mmmm…just had thoughts of strawberry Flufff smores…I’d better eat lunch soon!
    Eklectika 🙂

  12. JStrizzy says:

    S’mores on a gas stove a bad idea? Why? I’ve done it that way without problems. But I’ve never though to try it with a Peep–seems a bit morbid to roast and smush them like that…

  13. Carrie says:

    I’m the gas-stove type…I can get great texture and heat on that marshmallow! Warm the graham crackers with chocolate next to the flame, so goooey! YUM!
    Have to try the peeps, thought…

  14. Eklectika says:

    J. – Ha! You think that’s a morbid thing to do to a Peep? I guess you’ve never seen the great Bunny Survival Test (don’t worry, they’re Peep Bunnies).
    The original: http://www.keypad.org/bunnies/main.html
    (I first saw this like 8 years ago and it still cracks me up)
    The sequel: http://www.marks.networktel.net/

  15. Lacy in San Diego says:

    Now, that was pure wickedness. Showing a mouth watering s’more in the making.
    Ok, now send me a fresh one. My address is…………

  16. claudia says:

    I obviously am very suggestible. First all those news stories about McDonald’s abandoning super size have got me craving a cheeseburger. And now you. 😉

  17. Lisa says:

    Or – instead of Marshmallow Fluff or a Peep grab a fork or skewer and roast your marshmallow over a candle flame or the gas oven’s flame.

  18. Susan says:

    Oh my goodness!!! Why hadn’t I thought of using Fluff for s’mores yet?!?!?!??! Thank you, Mariko, a thousand times thank you!!!! Our marshmellows never seem to melt to the perfect gooey confection that is desired!!!!! Bless you!!!!!!!!!

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