
I will begin with some knitting content. I knit both sleeves of the peppermint candy 2x2x3x1 ribbie, but I think they’re both going to the frog pond. I already frogged one sleeve once because for some reason all my M1 stitches created these single, large, loopy stitches. You can see them on the right sleeve there (the one that has yet to be frogged), but don’t look too carefully, because I am DISTRESSED and EMBARRASSED by my lame M1s (yes, so why did I point them out to all of you, because now you will focus on them. It’s like when you have a pimple, but nobody else notices, but YOU know it’s there, so you mention it, and then everyone cannot help but stare fixedly at the pimple). Okay, photo break:
candy sleeves.JPG
The patterning is kind of scary, huh. Anyway, I changed the numbers of the pattern a bit because my gauge is off, but it’s hard to tell what one is supposed to do because of the ribbiness of it. I know the sweater is supposed to be close fitting, but the sleeves have to be pulled on, and they sit right up against my arms. Shouldn’t there be at least 1/8″ or so of breathing space between my arm and the sweater? It’s driving me crazy, so I have decided to knit a third sleeve and just follow the pattern. That way I can see if I want the looser sleeve or the tighter sleeve. Is anyone still reading?
And, voila, another nested photo!

Yes, those are Frango dreamsicles courtesy of the one-and-only Carolyn! They are quite delicious and remind me of those orange sherbet and vanilla ice cream cups. I have always loved those. And creamsicles. And orange cream soda. Sigh.

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18 Responses to candy

  1. alison says:

    OK, so you pointed out your loopy increases, but you’re not going to tell us how you made them? I usually pick up the bar between stitches and knit into the back of it for an easy M1. And the way the colour is coming out on those sleeves is craaazy! In a good way, in my opinion.

  2. shobhana says:

    hold up! wait a minute! what kooky yarn is that? i love it!

  3. Lisa says:

    I think your peppermint candy stripes are fun! What kind of yarn are you using…I’ve never seen that before.

  4. Mary says:

    Hi Mariko!
    I think you have super-fun-funky style! I love the look of those candy sleeves. I’m a novice so I don’t have anything to offer on the “loopy increase” front. Just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy your blog… the layout is great and it’s pleasant to read. Is you’re “model” a Basenji? Very handsome!
    Knit on!

  5. knittykim says:

    You have to try the Frango Mints. yummy…

  6. Bonne Marie says:

    I love the patterning in this yarn!!!
    Alison, right on in the M1 dept!
    LOOPY?: If knitting into the back of the stitch doesn’t compute (it didn’t for me when I started making ones!), just scoop up the bar between the stitches with the right hand needle, twist it to form a loop, put it back on the left needle, then knit as usual.
    FIT: although its a close fit, you should be able to just turn your arm around inside the sleeve.
    Lookin’ good!

  7. Jenn says:

    The patterning on that yarn is super cool! Mondial, huh? I may have to go looking for some of that.
    I also have the same problem with making holes in my knitting when I M1. What I have started doing (and this is a cop out, “professional” knitters tell you specifically not to do it, but I am of the “whatever works” school of thought) is when I pull up the bar in the middle (like Bonne Marie just suggested) I turn the loop around so the stitch is twisted. That way that loop is tighter and you can’t see a hole.
    Mmmmm… dreamsicles. If your grocery store carries Stewart’s sodas, they have an amazing Creamsicle soda. If it doesn’t, I would be happy to send you a couple bottles. 😉

  8. Kerstin says:

    Of course, there’s the Republican and Democrat difference between the m1’s. If you put your needle front to back under the strand between the needles AND knit the lifted loop through the back, you get a left-leaning increase. If you lift the strand between the needles from back to front and knit through the front, you get a right-leaning increase. Try it. See? Now you’re an official Twisted Knit Sister. 😉
    P.S. You’re killing me with that particular nested image. Those Frangos look too yummy!

  9. Jessica says:

    The patterning is wild. I love it.
    I’m sure everyone else would like to know this too: How is it that you don’t weight 8 million tons? I think I gain wait just reading your blog. God help me if I was actually near any of that food.

  10. elizabeth says:

    Oh my! Who knew the yarn was going to pattern itself like that? That’s always the surprise of varigated yarns. It a very funky pattern. I don’t know if I could pull it off, but I know that super eggplant is capable anything. I can’t wait to see what the varigation does on the sweater body!
    Creamsicle anything is good. I love orange creamsicle ice cream. And the creamsicle pops in orange, red, purple, yum!

  11. Carrie says:

    Okay, I love the candy striping. It’s so funky! And I bet it will look mah-velous on you. And, oh the Frangos look delish. I’ve never tried them..but now I want one! Orange-y creamy goodness, like an FO from the DQ.

  12. kerrie says:

    I love the striping of that yarn, it looks gorgeous. I’ve only made 1 sleeve of the 2x2x3x1, I’m a bit behind you at the moment..

  13. Leslie says:

    Totally digging the look!

  14. melissa says:

    i agree with everyone else…who knew the patterning of the yarn would look so psychedelic?! very fun!

  15. Becky says:

    Cool patterning!!!
    And your M1’s are just fine, thank you.

  16. Alysia says:

    I swear it is the hardest thing – calculating for ribbing. *believe me* it has driven me MAD with my ‘fern’ for so long I can’t stand it anymore. Now – I kinda think that color pattern is kinda cute – but if you gotta frog, you gotta frog. BTDT! 🙂

  17. Stella says:

    Hi Mariko, WOW, what a huge amount of comments! Don’t worry about the sleeves too much. The rib makes it stretch amazingly. I made the ribbie and I had the same concern, but the pattern is fine. If you just follow it, it will turn out fine. Oh, and by the way, LOVE the candycane stripes!

  18. Lorna says:

    WHERE did you find the Frango orange candy??

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