don’t fence me in

The fence started moving along rather quickly after Peter got his jackhammering completed and post holes dug. Our friend Jon came to help TWICE, and today there was a whole crew: Peter, his father, and Jon. They got the entire fence put up today. Here’s proud Peter with his fence:
fence complete with peter.JPG
Okay, I am going to try to finish Pumpkin Fluff tonight, so off I go.

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5 Responses to don’t fence me in

  1. Elaine says:

    Peter did an awesome job! He’s a tall one, ain’t he.

  2. rae says:

    yay for peter! really great work, peter and his helpers must be proud! yay for deedle, he can stretch his legs again!

  3. Shirley says:

    That’s quite a feat! All in one week and finally Deedle will have his (it is a “he” dog, right?) day(s). Infinitely a better fence since it’s taller. Though your Peter will still be able to see over it. Congrats to all for a job well done! I can see Deedle putting his front paws together.

  4. Ann says:

    I’m hoping to have similar pix to post sometime in the next couple of months. Go Peter!

  5. Bruce says:

    The fence looks great. Too bad some homeless guy got in the picture.

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