happy hallowiggie

I think the Hallowig is total genius. Mine came out a little big, and Peter thinks it looks rather Roman gladiatoresque.


I tried to get some wax lips or teeth to wear in the photo, but the store I went to didn’t have them. I had to settle for these rubber ones, which made me drool (see what I go through for you people?). I was also going to wear funny glasses, but I couldn’t locate any, so I dug out this Hello Kitty eye mask from a drawer. My photographer didn’t tell me my real hair was showing, and sorry, but I wasn’t about to put in those rubber teeth again (in addition to making me drool, they made me gag. I used to gag at the dentist, too, when they took those X-rays and made you sit with big chunks of cardboard wedged in the back of your mouth).

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23 Responses to happy hallowiggie

  1. Amanda says:

    Too cute! 😀

  2. Amanda says:

    Too cute! 😀

  3. Anonymous says:

    that’s a really scary picture, mariko. i don’t like it.

  4. Interesting mask. Scary teeth. I too hate the cardboard x-ray pieces at the dentist.

  5. Tess says:

    Interesting mask, scary teeth. I too hate the cardboard x-ray pieces at the dentist.

  6. Katherine says:

    The cardboard things at the dentist are always too big for my mouth! I spit them out ASAP after the X-ray is taken but sometime I do it too early and they have to do it all over again. Ugh.
    It’s a really scary picture…maybe if you dress up like that you won’t have to give out any candy, the kids’ll run away screaming 🙂
    Ohhhh I saw Ghost peeps the other day in a grocery store and thought of you!

  7. Insane Brother says:

    What’s up with the multiple postings by people. It’s scaring me.

  8. froggy says:

    hilarious! that wig is great! wish i had knit one for halloween.

  9. Alysia says:

    OMG how did you keep from smiling for that photo? That is the *best* costume around. … oh – and those things at the dentist are too big for my mouth too.

  10. Marta says:

    Mariko, you are so funny!

  11. MJ says:

    Funny! It does look a little big but then maybe Pete can wear it!

  12. chris says:

    That wig is hilarious — I love it!!! I was going to make one, bought the yarn and everything, but with the way this week is going, there’s no way (I wanted to make a pink one for Race for the Cure, which is this weekend). Hum.

  13. Gina says:

    You indulge us so much! Thank you!
    Speaking of gagging at the dentist…have you ever had a mold made of your mouth? The goo starts to drip down your throat, but hardens rather quickly. You are left with a dangling glob of semi-spongey goo. Ugh. My gag reflex just went off at the thought.

  14. carrie m says:

    In my mind, the photo is perfect. And I think I need a Hello Kitty mask.
    I’m the worst at the dentist. I think I have an extra-small mouth, so I always feel as though they have spilled a suitcase filled with utensils in it. And the drool, oh the drool.

  15. Meg says:

    I’m scared! Really . . that’s frightening :-O

  16. Kerstin says:

    Now I know what I’ll wear to the neighborhood Halloween party. Nothin’ like a Hallowig and Hello Kitty mask to make a good first impression on the neighbors. 🙂

  17. carolyn says:

    that picture is so what i needed to see right now. tooooooo funny.

  18. Marybeth says:

    I knit an ORANGE hallowig too!!! I made mine for my daughter who is going as Pumpkin Spice Girl! The costume came with a chinsy fragile wig and when I saw this pattern I knew I had to knit it! hers came put perfect size! I took 10 stitches out of the first CO and left the bangs the same as the pattern called for. Of course my markers were then not in the same place so it took me three tries to get the decreases in the right place but I finally figured it out!! The first time I got all the way to the Bind Off, put it on and had to laugh so I wouldn’t cry!!! It was just awful!!! The decrease where 45 degrees off, going up the side of the head instead of the front and back! And I did that TWICE!! finally I realized the error in my ways, but what can I say. I am a total rookie at this knitting stuff!!!

  19. Missy says:

    Your Hallowig looks great! ^_^ I’m working on one right now too. I love how it looks with the Hello Kitty mask… too cute.

  20. Becky says:

    You crack me UP! Can we go trick-or-treating together?

  21. Carrie says:

    That is freakin’ hilarious!!! The wig looks smashing, dahling!

  22. Terri says:

    Ah, the things you do for us! That pic is the funniest thing I’ve seen in AGES! I especially like the way the fang got all wonky on the side there. If you came trick-or-treating at my door I would run away – heh!

  23. michelle says:

    omg you’re soo cute! hehe. love your blog! linked it to mine. ^_^

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