Just the straps, ma’am

Just have to knit up the straps and ChicKami will be complete:
chickami strapless.jpg
If I get it finished tonight, maybe I’ll wash it tomorrow and see what happens!
It’s been one of those days. Peter was all set to paint the house today, and what happens? It RAINS. It’s August in California, for goodness sake! So now I am still sealed up in the shrinkwrapped house! Also, tomorrow we were planning to go to San Francisco for the day, but our plans had to be changed at the last minute. Now Peter will paint either tomorrow or Saturday, and we’ll go to SF Sunday, hopefully. Positive thinking.

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2 Responses to Just the straps, ma’am

  1. alison says:

    Wow, you’re ChicKami looks great! Very nice color and not holey at all. I don’t have you on the knitalong list. Can I add you, so others know to check out your version?

  2. Rose says:

    This has nothing to do with knitting, but I just bought a jar of grapefruit marmalade at Trader Joe’s and it was great. Check out your local store!

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