heading north

Amy of amyville is coming to visit for the weekend. She’s never been to San Francisco before, so we are heading up there as soon as her plane touches down! If you see a crazy blonde and a crazy Asian eschewing the San Francisco uniform of all-black clothing and chattering nonstop, that’s probably us. Stop and say hello!

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9 Responses to heading north

  1. tyreiko says:

    Enjoy your time here in the bay area this weekend! It’s supposed to be sunny skies and great weather! =) -tracy

  2. Rachael says:

    Give a call if you’re doing Rachael-ish things… I actually have some time free this weekend, unbelievably. 🙂

  3. Clementine says:

    Snap! – must be the weekend for visits – I have Alison from http://sixandahalfstitches.typepad.com visiting me! We’ll be meandering our way around a few fab knitting/stitching shops here in Melbourne and doing alot of gossiping too do doubt..

  4. Hannah says:

    I am wearing her earrings today! 🙂

  5. Carol says:

    Perfect timing — the sun is finally making an appearance here. But we don’t wear that much black…what are you talking about? Anyway, have fun! (I recommend a stop at Citizen Cake/Cupcake or Miette for a quick cupcake bite!)

  6. Stella says:

    The weather is going to be awesome! Good weekend for a visit. You should stay and watch Ka-Boom! (See the KFOG website.)

  7. Rachel says:

    Sounds like fun! Lucky girls!

  8. sunni says:

    It’s been gorgeous here this weekend so I hope you two are having a great time!
    Sunni (who lives in SF but never (hardly ever) wears all black!)

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