
Dudes! Can you believe it? I finished another sweater!

cork sweater.JPG
I’m really bad at keeping track of information, so I don’t know how many balls of Rowan Cork I used for this. Maybe 8? I developed the pattern with Knitscape software. I was inspired by some sweaters in the Boden catalog (they are no longer on the web site). I have not yet blocked the sweater, so there are some bumps and such, but overall it is very comfy and warm. Cork is really sproingy and lightweight. Don’t know why those Rowanites discontinued it!

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27 Responses to cork

  1. Scout says:

    Oh how cute is that!?

  2. debbie says:

    oooh….looks nice and cozy, and i love the color!

  3. Silvia says:

    Very cute, Johnny Boden will be jealous!

  4. Jenn says:

    Go you with your sweater designing self! The sweater looks great.

  5. mari says:

    Your sweater looks fab! I just got some Cork myself and I’m waiting to use it. Great job!

  6. carolyn says:

    it looks great! i love it! 🙂

  7. diana says:

    Love it and the colors you chose! It looks fabulous.

  8. christina says:

    Wow, great colour combination!

  9. amanda says:

    What an awesome sweater!

  10. amber says:

    Very nice! You could probably tell me this, is knitscape also a windows only program? This is the first I’ve heard of it, so I’m curious. It looks like a nifty program!

  11. Rani says:

    Love the colors! Great job! 😀

  12. Cathy says:

    I love it! it looks snuggly.

  13. Gina says:

    I just love that sweater. I knit my first project in Cork recently (a little hat), and I enjoyed it as well. I completely agree — why did they discontinue it?

  14. freecia says:

    Fantastico! Great shoulder shaping. Did it take long?

  15. amy k. says:

    looks so very good. sporty and hip and sugar free!

  16. allena says:

    your sweater is very pretty! good job!

  17. gaile says:

    cute cute cute!! love it. Rowan discontinues everything that people like.

  18. greta says:

    Is it MAC compatible?
    (The software…)
    Gotta LOVE that cork,
    so sproingy to knit with!
    Fabby colors as always!

  19. melissa says:

    Those are great colors! I know exactly which Boden sweater inspired you.

  20. meg says:

    What a gorgeous sweater!
    There must be a ghost in that machine, Rowan. Trying to sabotage their business by discontinuing every yarn people really like.

  21. Kristin says:

    Rowan is discontinuing all of their wonderful yarns. I fully expect to see them with fun fur any day now…

  22. Dana says:

    Love the sweater! The colours are perfect together. Is that a zipper collar too? one of my favourite necklines…

  23. mary says:

    I love the sweater and the colors – great job!

  24. Wanda says:

    Wow, we didn’t see any pictures of this in progress. It looks great!

  25. Julia says:

    Oh my, that is one cute sweater. I love the very pale, pale minty green with the hot, deep orange. Very nice.

  26. Brooke says:

    Beautiful! Love the color combination. How was using Knitscape?

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