all cookies, all the time

Saturday I accidentally went to New Seasons Market (a GREAT local market) during their cookie tasting. It was pretty amazing. They were sampling just about every variety of packaged cookie sold in the store! Here is just one table:

new seasons cookies.JPG
I tried to be good, meaning I didn’t taste every single cookie. I think the best ones were the Cougar Mountain cookies out of Seattle. Even though they are packaged cookies, they remained soft and chewy.
Cougar Mountain also makes cookie dough, and of course I had to buy a couple.
cougar mtn cookie dough.JPG
I haven’t tried them yet. So much for cutting back on sweets, eh?

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15 Responses to all cookies, all the time

  1. Jeanette says:

    I don’t know if i’d be able to contain myself there…all those cookies..oh my!

  2. Suzanneq says:

    I was visiting to thank you for all your work on CandySwappers, but then I had to comment on your post.
    What a nice treat to come upon a cookie tasting! I used to live in Seattle and Cougar Mt. were my favorite cookies!! I have to say I’ve even ordered them a few times since moving to the east coast 🙂 My favorite are the chocolate peanutbutter oatmeal, aka the Fremont Bridge. Hmmm…I think it’s time for another order!

  3. carolyn says:

    cookie tasting. what a brilliant idea. yum yum yum!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. jess says:

    Oh! Cougar Mountain! I used to buy those when I was having a particularly bad day/week/month/whatever while I lived in Seattle… they are fantastic for packaged cookies. Yum!

  5. Heidi says:

    I LOVE Cougar Mountain cookie dough – nice to be able to scoop as small or as big as you’d like. Great choice !

  6. Michelle says:

    Hmmm. Would they mind if I pulled up a chair and brought a cup of tea?
    By the way, my family is eating our way through a 3-pound bag of tortilla chips from Costco, too!

  7. freecia says:

    You haven’t tried them yet. That counts for some fortitude.

  8. becky says:

    Saturday’s at New Seasons are dangerous! There’s always something tasty.

  9. Kim says:

    Yummmm…..Tasting days at New Seasons and this weekend is bread. I love tasting days, but then I find more stuff I love have to buy and there are just not enough meals in a day.

  10. Christina says:

    A cookie tasting?!!??! Where has this been all my life!!!!

  11. sue says:

    this is the kind of place your brother needs to go to meet chicks–and I’ll bet he likes cookies, too! reading his blog, it sounds almost as if he avoids places girls hang out–or is he just oblivious? He sounds like a completely likable guy!

  12. Terry says:

    Oh my goodness – I wish I accidently came upon the tasting…:( Lucky you!

  13. amy says:

    oh how i love cougar mountain cookies. i always anticipate their fall special edition pumpkin cookie (don’t know if they sell the dough for that one or just the pre-made cookies).

  14. Rustie says:

    Very interesting site ! Good work !

  15. Jane says:

    Hi ! Your site is very interesting. Thank you.

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