get back tack cat

That title is supposed to be a play on that Elton John song, which I swear has the lyrics, “Get back, honky cat.” Is that right, or am I projecting something from my dark side? Anyway, I think my back-tack project has made it to its recipient, so I reckon it’s safe to show you the kitty I made.

bt kitty w deedle.JPGbt kitty from back.JPG
Don’t worry, I didn’t really let Deedle touch it or anything. The pointy kitty is a free pattern by Hillary. I also made an accompanying tote bag, but I neglected to take photos of it. For the kitty, I pieced together a bunch of different black & white fabric strips to give it a quilty effect, but I don’t know if it actually looks very quilty. I never make softies or do handwork, so back-tack was a great opportunity to do something new and different, and I really enjoyed participating in it. My horizons have been expanded!

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7 Responses to get back tack cat

  1. carolyn says:

    yes i believe those are accurate lyrics. 🙂

  2. debbie says:

    i settled for doing wee bunny cause i thought pointy kitty looked a little too complicated for me….you did a great job! i like how you used a combo of different black/white fabric….and her face is nice – she looks kinda sassy….

  3. Mary says:

    No clue on the lyrics, but the cat does look “calico-y.”

  4. melissa f. says:

    glad you posted pictures. if not you than who else apparently.

  5. jan says:

    Nice job you did. Kitty has got a pretty face.

  6. Jaime says:

    She is SUCH a cute kitty!

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