This and That

ramen pack.JPG

– Beware of cheap printer toner cartridges. I purchased one from a place that will go unnamed, and I swear it destroyed my printer! The funny thing is I believe I have used non-brand name toner cartridges before and had no problem. Anyway, be careful.
– I haven’t used shampoo in almost three weeks. I was inspired by Kathy to give it a try. I have really dry hair. In fact, I think it kind of grosses out my hairdresser. Anyway, shunning shampoo is supposed to make your hair healthier and shinier and more manageable and all that. I’m not sure if my hair is behaving better, but a friend did say it looked more lustrous (and no, I don’t think it was grease that was causing that effect). I’m going to stick with it, even though Peter seems to find the giant jar of apple cider vinegar in the shower slightly disturbing.
– Have your eyes been itchy lately? Mine sure have. If you suffer from allergies and have itchy eyes, you probably already know about Patanol eye drops. They are prescription only but work really well. My optometrist just told me about Zaditor, a similar kind of eye drop that used to be prescription only but is now available over the counter! Woohoo! My eyes still itch, but the drops are pretty soothing.
That’s all for now. Over and out.

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22 Responses to This and That

  1. Stephanie says:

    I use to do an apple cider vinegar rinse instead of conditioner and I just put it in an old conditioner bottle. Maybe he wouldn’t mind so much if it was “hiding”. :o)

  2. Melissa A. says:

    I’ve been wanting to go “nopoo” but haven’t got around to it yet. Do you just rinse with ACV? Some people use baking soda too with sounds like a pain the bum to me! I think I’ll wait until I use up my giant bottle of shampoo before I switch.

  3. carolyn says:

    OK if i didn’t wash my hair every day it would be so incredibly nasty no one would want to be near me. oh wait, no one already does, maybe i should try it! 🙂

  4. Interesting thought about not using shampoo. I wash my hair every other day because it is so dry and extremely fragile; my hair stylist suggested it.

  5. marielle says:

    Zaditor is OTC now? Thank you, you have just saved me the out-of-pocket optometrist expense of getting a prescription.
    I’ve had bad luck with those no-name toner cartridges too. But I’ve had good luck using Tiger Direct – hope they weren’t the ones who burned you!

  6. freecia says:

    I really like the Jason brand of hair products. It seems much less damaging than drugstore brands and cleanses better. Perhaps the kids shampoo would be a good option for you

  7. freecia says:

    Also instead of vinegar, I’ve thought of using tea.

  8. Stephanie says:

    you may be able to rescue your printer – I had the same thing happen – thought my printer was dead or that the print head would have to be replaced.
    Instead, if you run water gently (as in don’t let the stream hit the print head itself – obviously remove the print head assembly from the printer before doing this) rinse it out well, then allow it to air dry – then get it some nice brand name cartridges and see if its happier.
    Mine certainly was. and it sure beats buying a new printer!

  9. stephanie says:

    I just realized you said toner.
    This will not work with toner. Only works for inkjets….

  10. emicat says:

    I’ve heard of using apple cider vinegar to rinse hair, but not in conjunction with using baking soda. I don’t have dry hair, but I do get a dry scalp when the seasons change. Thanks also for the Zaditor. I’ve never heard of the product, but suffer from itchy eyes. It’s great to have an informative blogger on all kinds of things 🙂

  11. Krista says:

    Thanks for the tip. I have very sensitive skin and even a lot of baby shampoos will break my skin out.
    I tried it last night, and it made my hair feel nicely conditioned. I added a couple of drops of lavender essential oil to the plain rinse water to make my hair smell nice. It does.

  12. Diana says:

    What’s the bag of noodles/crackers in your post? A new product that you’ve tried?

  13. Steph says:

    I used recycled cartridges in my printer once. Once. I had to buy a new printer when one of them leaked somehow and got ink everywhere except on the paper. An expensive lesson.

  14. Harper says:

    Except when my hair was very short, I’ve always only shampooed every other day but I recently went to an every 3-4 days routine and my hair does look better (Real Simple had an article about hair care and recommended less frequent shampooing for dry hair). The idea of no shampoo is appealing but I find myself worrying about the no conditioner. I have very thick dry wavy hair, medium length and it tangles pretty easily. Well, I have baking soda and apple cider vinegar in my cabinet so I might as well try it out.
    And thanks for the heads-up re the eye drops. I don’t know what it is but the last couple of years, June has been a tough month for my eyes.

  15. Lisa says:

    You may want to try the Avalon brand of shampoo and conditioner. Trader Joe’s has the best price, but they only have lavender. I’ve also tried the peppermint version of this shampoo and it seems to be a little more moisturizing.
    I wash my hair in the morning and at night and I have no split ends and my hair is shiny and feels softer than my pre-Avalon days. I still occasionally use Herbal Essence because I like the smell, but after about 3 days, my hair starts to feel like a tawashi and my scalp starts to feel tight and itchy (like how my face felt when I washed it with Ivory soap for a week just to see what would happen).
    I think it’s the sodium laurel and laureth sulfate that drys out my hair and the Avalon products don’t have those ingredients. It’s a great surfactant, though- I use it on my feet if they’re all gross and dirty from gardening (in my rubber slippers, of course!).
    I also used Dr Bronner’s Peppermint soap while camping (you know, to be kind to the environment while keeping me from being stink) and it feels good because it tingles, but it left a waxy film on my hair that made it really flat. Did you know you can use it for mouthwash, too? Tastes really bad, but it does leave a minty tingle. I had to control my gag reflex on that one. I think I’ll stick to regular mouthwash.
    By the way, the miso musubi really made me hungry! When I was little, my mom made these all the time, especially when I was sick. Everyone else liked to grill them on the grill thing they used for saba until it was koge all over, with shoyu. I never liked it that way, but lightly grilled with miso and teriyaki nori and I was in heaven!…now I’m all hungry …and warm mochi wrapped around natto w/ nori…or nori pan fried with shoyu on top….be careful not to drink orange juice right after!

  16. melonpan says:

    hello! just dropping by. worked for a grocery store. they often sold that kind of ramen. cheeeeeeeeeeeep. filling. but mostly cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
    hope tha between orders you have time to do the happy things. you know. those things. 😀

  17. Julie says:

    I’ve been using Naphcon-A for my itchy eyes. The doctor prescribed something for me but the pharmacist said they don’t make it anymore and suggested the (OTC) Naphcon-A instead. It works quite well.
    Previously I had made the mistake of trying the Clear Eyes Seasonal Allergy Relief eye drops, which made my eyes sting so badly I couldn’t use them more than once. As it turns out, those have an astringent in them as well as the other ingredients. Why would you want to put an astringent in your eyes, I ask you?? The Naphcon-A is astringent-free, thankfully.

  18. justarabbit says:

    Trying no poo. I hadn’t had a chance to do a hairwash for 4 days last week (I usually only wash every 3 days), so I tried the baking soda wash and vinegar rinse. Why not start by giving it a real test, eh? It did a great job of ridding me of my oily buildup.
    But I’m not really sure how much better either of these products is for my hair than regualr shampoo/conditioner. Isn’t baking soda basic? And then vinegar is acidic. Mix them and you get bubbles, fun!
    But I’ve always read that vinegar does a great job as a clarifier. Doesn’t that mean it’s quite strong? (I used it years and years ago as such, about once a month, to remove hairproduct build-up) It just seems to me, that maybe the baking soda and vinegar are actually quite strong products. (they did manage to remove 4 days of no washing without issue)
    They get kudos for being the cheapest hair products I’ve ever used.

  19. I tried the baking soda/apple cider vinegar rinse this week, and let me tell you it’s worked rather well. I have thick hair, and thought that no conditioner would make me break my comb (I’ve done that before), but I think my hair’s in better condition now than it was three days ago. Thanks for the info:)

  20. jan in nagasaki says:

    whats up with the ramen, dude????

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