A dream come true


One of my lifelong dreams came true on Saturday–I won a cake walk. I remember cake walks from school fairs in elementary school. How I longed to win a fluffy, beautiful cake. I think I worked up the nerve to participate just once, and alas, I did not win a cake. The desire to win a cake walk had been dormant for several decades, because really, there just aren’t that many cake walks.
On Saturday, though, a local bakery, Grand Central Bakery, celebrated the opening of a new location with a bakery fair that included tours, cookie decorating, baking seminars, and yes, a cake walk. I could not stop thinking about the cake walk! My friend the Hedster and I visited the grand opening. As we waited in line for treats and sandwiches, we chatted with the people behind us, who had just won the cake walk. They advised us to hoop and holler and show much excitement, as that would increase our chances of winning this utterly noncompetitive event.
When we got to the cake walk ourselves, we tried to show a lot of enthusiasm. I have to confess that it was just us and a bunch of little kids. When the emcee called my number, the Hedster and I jumped up and down and screamed with glee. The kids just stared at us. I got to choose from four different selections: two pies and two cakes. The cakes looked a little sad, so I opted for the strawberry rhubarb pie (yeah, so technically maybe it was a pie walk).
The pie was delicious, and one of my dreams came true! If you think good thoughts and visualize success, it’s bound to happen. Dream big!

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20 Responses to A dream come true

  1. kat says:

    Hmm, I’ve never heard of a cake walk but congrats anyway. I’d totally eat a piece of that pie right now!!!

  2. debbie says:

    congratulations – that pie looks ono! i actually remember winning a cake walk when i was about 8 or so at a high school fair – that’s too long ago for me to remember what kind of cake it was i won, but i do remember winning!

  3. Sasha says:

    Considering the state of your kitchen and that you can’t bake your own dang cake or pie right now, well, it was definitely your turn to win. Congratulations!

  4. clare eats says:

    wwwaaayyy to go Mariko that is so cool. And it is a mighty fine looking pie!

  5. Laura says:

    HA!I’ve never commented here before, but I had to today. I laughed so hard because I have the same cakewalk winning aspirations! They had one at a church near my house, but I’m overweight and just couldn’t bring myself to “jump up and down and scream with glee” publicly! Even when I was thin I wanted to win one…this has been a lifelong dream! 🙂 Hmm…maybe you could write your own version of The Secret? The Cake’s Out of the Bag! 🙂 Thanks for the laughs this morning!

  6. carolyn says:

    you’re such a goofball. the pie looks DELISH. 🙂

  7. Abbey says:

    I’ve always wanted to win at one, too! I remember that our church fair used to have one every year.
    You’re right… you don’t see them much anymore. Let’s bring the cake walk back!

  8. Krista says:

    Oh, no. Have you been reading “The Secret”?
    Hey, if it works for cake walks, it could work on anything, right?

  9. Stephanie says:

    My kids would be envious….heck I am envious! THey always had cake walks as part of the school fun fair and none of them ever won (The parents weren’t allowed to participate 🙁 But man oh man…all those lovely cakes and cup cakes that everyone won. YUMMY!!!

  10. Stef says:

    Congratulations, and I’m glad it was strawberry rhubarb that you won. I’m also in the dark… what is a cakewalk?

  11. Alicia H. says:

    Lucky you. My sister was always the lucky one in our family.

  12. Heather says:

    A cake walk is basically the coolest thing you could ever win. Ever.

  13. Asaknitter says:

    Yum, it does look delicious.

  14. Congratulations! Free cake (or pie) is always good! woohooo

  15. Emma says:

    Congrats on your pie! (Although I’ve never heard of a cake walk before)

  16. Jennifer says:

    I’m so happy for you. I always LOVED the cake walks. That might show some penchant for my sugar addiction, but what the heck. The pie looks marvelous.

  17. Angie says:

    Why don’t they have cake walks anymore? Our Local Lion’s club has one at their pancake supper every year. We usually don’t get anything “good”, but last year, we got my FIL’s home baked pecan pie, YUMMMM!

  18. Pam says:

    Wow! that pie looks so yummy. Congrats on winning!

  19. That buy looks good!
    As a DJ/family entertainer, I have MCed and organized dozens of Cake and Candy Walks over the last 10 years. It never ceases to amaze me how excited everyone gets when they win a free cake or bag of candy. If I could, I would start this national rage of cakewalks again and do only those! Hmmm…quite the idea there, eh?

  20. Do you know about Junie B Jones? It’s a hilarious series for kids; the protagonist/narrator is is kooky kindergartner (now a first grader, actually), and in one book she wins a cake walk and, against her parents’ advice, chooses the one and only FRUITCAKE because it is wrapped in pretty, shiny paper. She can barely carry that heavy thing, and of course finds out it’s inedible. But she eventually discovers it makes a great booster seat, stool and decoration. She ends up loving that thing!
    P.S. I saw Adam Savetsky the other day! He is still exactly Adam. He asked about you and Megan. I told him about supereggplant; perhaps he’s here now, lurking and discovering the allure of crafting!

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