chock full o’ something

My buddy Megan just got back from a vacation to London, Italy, and Croatia (which looks really gorgeous), and she was kind enough to bring me this:

orla kiley chocolates.JPG
Orla Kiely Chocolates! They are made by Irish chocolatier Butlers Chocolates. Oh, there are some delectable flavors in there, including Salt, Double Chocolate, and Earl Grey. Sadly, though, the chocolates did not travel particularly well, and they were all melted and discolored and sad. I am going to eat them anyway, though!

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9 Responses to chock full o’ something

  1. You get chocolates and what do I get? NOTHING.

  2. molly! says:

    I got chocolates like that from belgium once. They were all deformed and weird-looking but still delicious! I hope yours are still good.

  3. carolyn says:

    of course you are!! 🙂 did i tell you recently my parents found a UPS package I sent them stuck inside a bench on their porch? instead of sticking it in the door like normal, there must’ve been a substitute UPS guy (one day SIX MONTHS AGO) who stuck it in there and they just found it six months later. my dad said the chocolate in it was melted into all one big piece…but he ate it anyway. 🙂

  4. Silvia says:

    Nice to see insane brother is still insane. Of course you’re going to eat melty squooshed chocos! They’re still chocs!!!

  5. Janis says:

    Congrats on the marathon and go ahead and eat those yummy chocs no matter what they look like (remember chocolate truffles are named after the unsightly but delicious earthy kind for a reason). Get the oven fired up for a batch of those pink cookies before you get busy on your next big adventure!

  6. Laura says:

    Ha! Good for you for telling us you plan to eat the candy anyway…Many people wouldn’t share that fact. I’m so glad you did!!!!

  7. megan says:

    well, did you survive the chocolates? i think they may have sat in the trunk of my car in the hot california sun for a day or so 🙂 oops!

  8. Oiyi says:

    Too bad it melted. The packaging is great though.

  9. jen says:

    I love Orla Kiely and now she has chocolates. I am sure they are yummy even though they fell apart.

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